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International Medieval Congress 2020

Leeds, 6-10 July


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A selection from our catalogue:
(click here for the complete catalogue in PDF)

Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
Le monde symbolique de la papauté. Corps, gestes, images d’Innocent III à Boniface VIII
€ 76 60,80 with the promo code IMC2020
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Understanding Hagiography. Studies in the Textual Transmission of Early Medieval Saints’ Lives
Edited by Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, Paolo Chiesa, Monique Goullet
€ 58 46,40 with the promo code IMC2020
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Micrologus XXVIII (2020), The Diffusion of the Islamic Sciences in the Western World
€ 85 68 with the promo code IMC2020
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Te.Tra. 6. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and their Transmission
A cura di Lucia Castaldi e Valeria Mattaloni
€ 98 78.40 with the promo code IMC2020
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RICABIM. Biblioteche medievali d'Italia
A cura di Massimiliano Bassetti e Daniele Solvi
€ 110 88 with the promo code IMC2020
>> details...
Bibliotheca Gregorii Magni Manuscripta. 3. Groningen – Mikulov Census of Manuscripts of Gregory the Great and His Fortune (Epitomes, Anthologies, Hagiographies, Liturgy)
A cura di Fabiana Boccini. Avviso al lettore di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
€ 155 124 with the promo code IMC2020
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Philip de Slane
Libellus de descriptione Hibernie
Edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Giovanni Paolo Maggioni
€ 38 30,40 with the promo code IMC2020
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Michel Scot
Liber particularis. Liber physonomie
Édition critique, introduction et notes par Oleg Voskoboynikov
€ 70 56 with the promo code IMC2020
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Attone di Vercelli
Polipticum quod appellatur Perpendiculum
Edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Giacomo Vignodelli. Con un saggio di Luigi G. G. Ricci
€ 120 96 with the promo code IMC2020
>> details...


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